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Magnetic field generator M101A - Application test

To demonstrate the effect of our Magnetic Field Generator, an experiment was carried out.
The experiment was carried out in a dark basement room. Bright light strongly impacts the result. Inside water pipes it usually is dark.
In both glass cylinders a surfeited alum solution with the same mixing proportion was with test beginning. A customary string in which crystals should form was hung up in the cylinders. The Magnetic Field Generator M101A was fastened to the right cylinder. After 72 hours one sees in the left cylinder (right picture) a clear crystallisation in the string. Only one low crystallisation is to be recognised by the string of the cylinder with the Magnetic Field Generator. The alum has retreated as a mud on the cylinder ground. Please, click on the photos to enlarge.
start of test
end of test
Below some detailpictures:

start of test - left without, right with Magnetic Field Generator

start of test - left without, right with Magnetic Field Generator

clear cristallization in the cylinder - left without Magnetic Field Generator

for a better comparsion - left without, right with Magnetic Field Generator

left without, right with Magnetic Field Generator - deposits on the ground of the right cylinder

left without, right with Magnetic Field Generator - right cristallization unknowable

left without, right with Magnetic Field Generator

clear deposits of mud on the cylinder ground

Fastened of the Magnetic Field Generator

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